Thursday, November 28, 2019
ABA 1 final Essays
ABA 1 final Essays ABA 1 final Paper ABA 1 final Paper Three levels of understanding in science 1) Description 2) Prediction 3)Control Description collection of facts about observed events that be quantified, classified and examined or possible relation with other known facts (hypothesis) Control Highest level of scientific understanidng from which funtional relations can be derived (change in dependent variable predicts independent variable without confouding variables determinism events do not just occur, but happen in a systematic way, all phenomena occur as result of other events empiricism scientific objective observation of phenomena of interest replication repetition of experiments to determine the reliability and usefulness of findings parsimony the simplest explanations must be ruled out before more complex explanations are considered philosophic doubt the continuous questioning of the truthfulness and validity of all scientific theory and knowledge experimental analysis vs. applied behavior analysis of behavior basic research vs. development of technology for improving behavior 7 characteristics of applied behavior analysis (Baer, Wolf Risley) 1) generality 2) effective 3)technological 4) applied 5) conceptual systems 6) analytic 7) behavioral Stimulus an energy change that affects an organism through its receptor cells Operant Conditioning conditioning in which an operant response is brought under stimulus control by virtue of presenting reinforcement or punishment contingent upon the occurrence of the operant response Four Fold Contingency Table [image][image] positive reinforcement targeted response increases when stimulus is added to environment negative reinforcement behavior increases because stimulus is contigently removed from environment positive punishment behavior decreases when stimulus is contingently added to environment negative punishment behavior decreases because stimulus contingently removed from environment 3-term contingency basic unit of analysis in the analysis of operant behavior, antecedent- behavior- consequence habilitation degree to which a persons behavior repertoire maximizes short and long term reinforcers and minimizes short and long term punishers, asesses meaningfulness of behavior change behavioral cusp beahaviors that open a persons world to new opportunities, socially valid, generativeness Target Behavior Definitions accurate, complete, concise, inclusions, exclusions objective, clear, complete measurement the process of applying quantitative labels to observed properties of events using a standard set of rules measurable dimensions of behavior 1) Repeatability (countability) 2) temporal extent (every instance the behavior occurs in some amount of time) 3) temporal locus (every instance of behavior occurs at a certain point in time with respect to other events rate/frequency measurement ratio of (number of responses per unit of time) count per observation period, more meaningful than count alond celeration measure of how rates of responses change over time (accelaration/decelaration) duration measurement the amount of time in which a behavior occurs response latency measurement measure of the elapsed time between the onset of a stimulus and the initiation of a subsequent response interresponse time measurement the amount of time that elapses between two consecutive instances of a response class (temporal locus) per-opportunity measurement response magnitude the force or intensity with which a response is emitted whole interval recording measurement the observation period is divided into a series of brief time intervals. At the end of each interval the observer records whether the behavior occured for the WHOLE interval partial interval recording the observer records if the behavior occured at any time during the interval momentary time sampling records whether the target behavior is occuring at the moment that each time interval ends permanent product measurement measuring a behavior after it has occured by measuring the effects it had on the environment measurement validity when the data produced are directly relevant to the phenomenon measured and to the reasons for meauring it (Was a relevant dimension of the behavior that is the focus of the investigation measured directly and legitimately?) measurement accuracy the extent to which the quantitative label produced by measuring an event matches the true value of the thing measured measurement reliability the extent to which a measurement procedure yields the same value when brought into repeated contact with the same state of nature (consistancy) direct measurement the phenomenon that is the focus of the experiement is exactly the same as the phenomenon being measured (actually seeing target behavior) indirect measurement when phenomena measured is in some way different from target behavior of interest (using questionairre about behavior) interobserver agreement the degree to which two or ore independent observers report the same observed values after measuring the same events IOA for rate/frequency Higher number/lower number x 100 IOA for duration data (shorter duration/longer duration) x 100 IOA for time sampling level (in a data series) value on vertical axis around which a series of data points converge trend (in a data series) overall direction taken by data path (increasing, decreasing, zero trend) variablity (in a data series) frequency to which mulitiple measures of behavior yield different outcomes (if variability is high ther is little or no control over factors influencing behavior) construct a split-middle line of progress A line drawn through a series of graphed data points that shows the overall trend in the data; drawn through the intersections of the vertical and horizontal middles of each half of the charted data and then adjusted up or down so that half of all data points fall on or above and half fall on or below the line. (pg153 in book) construct an equal interval graph Identify behavior change in graphed data functional relationships in graphed data indepdendent variable the variable systematically manipulated by the researcher (in ABA sometimes called intervantion or treatment variable) dependent variable the variable measured in an experiment to see if it changes depending on the independent variable (in ABA measure of socially significant behavior) three elements of baseline logic 1) Prediction 2) Verification 3) Replication Reversal designs (repeated measures, at least A-B-A) should be used when: alternating treatments experimental design the rapid alternation of two or more distinct treatments while their effects on the target behavior are measured Alternating treatment designs are appropriate when: multiple baseline experiemental design an experimental design that begins with the concurrent measurement of two or more behaviors in a baseline condition, followed by the application of the treatment variable to one fot he behaviors while baseline contidions remain in effect for the other behaviors. After maximum change has been noted for the first behavior, the treatment variable is applied in sequential fashion to each of the other behaviors in the design. changing criterion experimental design an experimental design in which an initial baseline phase is followed by a series of treatment phases consisting of successive and gradually changing criteria for reinforcement or puishment. internal validity the extent to which an experiment shows convincingly that changes in behavior are a function of the independent variable and not the result of uncontrolled or unknown variables. confounding variable an uncontrolled factor known or suspected to exert influence on the dependent variable treatment integrity (procedural validity) the extent to which the independent variable is applied exactly as planned and described and no other unplanned variables are administered inadvertantly along with the planned treatment Three ways of assessing social validity 1) social significance of target behavior 2) appropraiteness of procedures 3) social importance of results external validitiy the degree to which a studys findings have generality to other subjects, settings and/or behaviors positive reinforcement establishing operation a motivating operation that establishes the effectiveness of some stimulus, object or event as a reinfocer (food when hungry) unconditioned reinforcer a stimulus change that increases the frequency of any behavior that immediately precedes it irrespective of the organisms learning history with the stimulus (product of evolutionary development, primary or unlearned reinfocers) conditioned reinforcer a stimulus change that functions as a reinforcer because of prior pairing with one or more other reinfocers (learned reinforcer) stimulus preference assessment a variety of procedures used to determine the stimuli that a person prefers, the relative preference of those stimuli and their presumed value as reinforcers avoidance contingency (escape contingency) a contingency in which a response prevents or postpones the presentation of a stimulus continuous reinfocement reinforcement for each occurance of the target behavior intermitant reinfocement some, but not all, occurances of a behavior produce reinforcement fixed ratio schedule a fixed number of responses must occur before reinforcement produces break and run step pattern variable ratio schedule varying number of responses required for reinforcement no post reinforcement pause, consistant steady rate of responding fixed interval schedule reinforcement delivered for the first response emitted following the passage of a fixed duration of time since the last response was reinforced produces scalloped data (post reinforcement pause, increase in response rate as interval increases) variable interval schedule reinforcement provided for the first correct response following the elapse of variable surations of time occuring in random order produces slow to moderate consistant responding limited hold reinforcement is only available during a finite time following the elapse of an FI or VI interval, if there is no response reinforcement is withheld and a new interval begins DRL schedules differnetial reinforcement of low rates of responding- responses reinforced only when they are lower than criterion compound schedules combined elements of of continous reinforcement, the four intermittent schedules of reinforcement, differential reinforcement of various rates of responding and extinction matching law rate of responding typically is proportional to the rate of reinforcement received from each choice alternative punisher a stimulus change that immediately follows the occurance of a behavior and reduces the future frequency of that type of behavior conditions when punishment is more effective immediacy, intensity, schedule, reinforcement for the target behavior, reinforcement for alternative behaviors guidelines for using punishment effectively select effective and appropriate punishers use the least intensity of punishment that is effective experience the punishment personally deliver the punishment immediately deliver the punishment at the beginning of the response chain deliver the punishment unemotionally punish each instance of the behavior watch for possible side effects of punishment record, graph and evaluate daily data examples of positive punishment contingent excersize, overcorrection (resitutional, positive practice), contingent electric stimulation time-out a form of negative punishment- the contingent withdrawel of the opportunity to earn positive reinforcement or the loss of access to positive reinforcers for a specified time guidelines for using time-out effectively reinforcing and enriching time-in environment defining behaviors leading to time-out defining procedures for the duration of time-out defining exit criteria deciding on non-exclusion or exlusion time-out explaining time-out rules obtaining permission applying time-out consistantly evaluating effectiveness -considering other options legal and ethical time-out issues response cost loss of specific amount of reinforcement contingent upon inappropriate behavior and results in decreased future probability of that behavior guidelines for using response cost effectively determine immediacy of the fine, decide whether bonus respose cost is preferred option, ensure reinforcer reserve, recognize the potential for unplanned or unexpected outcomes, avoid overusing, keep good record on effects side-effects of negative punishment may increase aggression, avoidance responses, affect collateral reductions of desired behaviors, call attention to punished behavior, effects can be unpredictable
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